Tuesday, December 16, 2014

More New Chickadees

   Yes, that't right, we got more new baby chicks. I swear we've gone insane getting this many new birds on the brink of Winter. Thankfully this time they were much more budget friendly.
   When we bought Rowdy's Barred Rocks last week we had to drive for ever away and paid $7 fat ones for each sexed chick. They are adorable and put a smile on his face so they were worth every penny, but that didn't keep me from griping to my local feed store owner as I purchased some starter feed for the new birdies.
  The owner let me in on a little town secret. There is a couple that lives LITERALLY 3 minutes from our home that has plenty of chickens for sale among a plethora of other animals. Are you stinking kidding me? The power of ask and you shall receive dumbfounded me this week.We took our recently acquired information and called our newly discovered neighbors and placed our order.
  We got in the car for the short ride and pulled into the drive and back to the barn. It was there we met the absolute sweetest couple alive. He worked and she stayed home with their animals and took care of everything during the day. You could see their passion all around us. They gave us a tiny tour because it was dark of their incubator, goat hides, and new automatic watering system for their other critters. They were gracious and that goes a long way when first meeting someone.
    We all huddled around the box of chickies that were up for grabs and they were a peeping hot bundle of cuddles. I swear I wanted to take them all, but I must leave some since our coop is staggering upon capacity. The majority of them were Black Austrolop and Coo Coo Morans and they were beautiful. These little balls of blue fluff were just begging me to take them home and talk to them daily even though I know they have no clue what I'm saying. Thankfully no one else is around because I probably sound like I belong in the loony bin. "Precious, wittle, wuvies.....", is totally NOT what I say to them....possibly.
   The best thing about the chicks is that we got them for a steal! We paid for ten and came home with 21 We then split them with my brother-in-law. Did I not tell you these people were gracious? They even welcomed us to come back and show us around during the day light hours so we could see they rest of the animals and pick out our future turkey mommas.
  Did you catch that? Stayed tuned people because we are getting some turkey lurkeys!! Woot Woot! Thanksgiving is going to be delicious in 2015!

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