Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Sunday's Craigslist Find

   Sundays around here are pretty routine. Cricket and I wake up, praise the Lord from our living room on whether it be on the television or during our quiet time. Hubs unfortunately, works every weekend so he misses out on most church opportunities. We as a family decided to be a one vehicle family for a couple reasons. Obviously, one was the money we could save (monthly payment, insurance, gas) and the other was the time it would give us to spend together.
   Usually on Sundays there aren't many errands that require me to run to town and take care of right away, and that was going to be the plan this past Sunday.
   Do any of you have a slightly unhealthy obsession with checking the "Farm & Garden" section on Craigslist daily (or more like multiple times a day)? Our family definitely does, and; as usual I had found what we have been looking for the past few weeks.
   Rowdy is my step-son and he has earned that nickname wholeheartedly in his almost 7 years of life. He also has an unhealthy obsession. The boy LOVES to research different kind of chickens and make a list of all the ones that we need to add to our flock of lovely ladies (and one docile rooster). For his birthday that is less than a week before Christmas he told everyone who asked that he wanted a Barred Rock. Do you know how hard it is to find a baby chick this time of year for a reasonable price? Its stinking hard!

   Meet the four new additions to our flock! I would tell you their names but as of now they don't have one designated to them. Until Hubs and I can present them to Rowdy in a card board box with a big blue bow they will remain nameless. These were our Sunday Craigslist find. I had met a gentleman and one of our local Farmer's Markets by the name of The Duckman. He had plenty of chickens that day, but they were all older than we were looking for and the older they are the more expensive they get. Yesterday the Duckman made a post of Craigslist. He had 200 Barred Rock chicks available! The downer, we had to drive 45 min to pick them up because there was no way they would survive the trip in the cold to next weekends flea market. So we called him up to place our order.
   The GPS took us the scenic route of which we had never traveled. I loved it. The Hubs, Cricket, and I enjoyed the view and gasped in awe at many of the fancy farms we drove past dreaming of one day owning our own giant operation. As usual the GPS took us to the wrong location since we were in the middle of nowhere. After a couple phone calls and directions including turn by the post office, pass the yellow house, and its the 3rd house past the cemetery, we arrived at his gate. He came out new birdies in hard, or more like in box in hand. It was love at first chirp. They are perfect! We can't wait to present these to Rowdy when he comes home this weekend,
  Our family doesn't always have much materialistic wise, but we have all the important things: God, family, love, and joy. When was the last time you gave your child a $7 dollar birthday present and it went over like syrup on hotcakes? It doesn't take much to make them smile and we pride ourselves in keeping things simple.
   Its always sweet in the life of a Farmhouse Wife!

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