Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Chicken Stamp Thread Holder

It is WEDNESDAY y'all!!! Whoop, Whoop! Can you tell I'm excited, just an itty bitty bit? On Wednesdays the Hubs takes off work every once and a blue moon. My hard working man works six, usually seven, days a week to provide for our one income family. But, when the moon, ya know that blue one I was talking about, is shinning just right I can talk him into staying home and working on some projects around the house and today was the day.
    For this Wednesday I begged and pleaded and with a few bats of my big brown eyes we were on our way to the local hardware store. He agreed to help me make a thread holder from a mirror my mother-in-law broke while we were moving. (Don't even speak of those seven years of bad luck. It shouldn't happen because I made it pretty again right?) I did my best to take some step by step pictures along the way but it got dark outside at the end so stick with me honey pie.
   First things first, drop a mirror with a pretty frame on the floor and shatter it to smithereens. Or, get a cheap thrift frame because we are all thrifty people with an eye that could wipe out a Goodwill in 2.5 seconds. Then grab your other supplies:

-peg board cut to the size of your frame
-dowel rods
-glue gun
-Gorilla glue
-sponge brush
     Here it what the peg board looked like with it's first coat of paint. Don't mind the other supplies in the picture. Hubs was working on another chicken pen while I painted. (Does beer count as supplies? Because I've been told it makes working on girly projects with your wife more fun by a certain someone.)
   I let it dry for a few and then touched it up just a little bit in areas that were lacking.

   Next, when it is completely dry, use your Gorilla glue to attach your frame to the front your peg board.

  Proceed to move all this mess into the house because it gets dark at a whopping 4:30 in the afternoon here in the Winter. When you get it all hauled in there flip the frame face up and get ready for the glue gun fun!

 Take your dowel rods and put a smidgen of hot glue around the tip end of the rod and place where you would like your threads positioned. I left a hole between each stick and that seemed to be the perfect amount of space.

  The dowel rods at our local hardware store came in 36 inch lengths and 59 cents a piece. If your lucky they will be able to cut these for you, but ours could not so we did it ourselves. These are 3 inches each which makes 12 sticks. I bought 5 rods and that worked out perfect for the time being with my collection of thread. You may need more or less.

And here we are at the end! Isn't she beautiful? I think its the bantam chick feet prints that really set it apart from all the other Pinterest beauties that I was going for. She thought it was appropriate to add her touch as the paint was drying. Most would have freaked out, but the Hubs and I felt it was the perfect touch and an explanation of us and our lifestyle.

I hope you enjoyed the short and sweet tutorial! Thanks for reading.
Its always sweet in the life of the Farmhouse Wife!

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